We share with you the results of work and plans

We share with you the results of work and plans

Dear subscribers!
From the very beginning of enemy shelling of the energy infrastructure, the situation with electricity in the city has become a challenge for us. We were not sufficiently prepared for this, as were the vast majority of providers, residents of our city and country. We went through all the stages of accepting the situation: from denial, to acceptance and forming a plan to solve the problem. The KOLO.TB team set itself the goal of completely reformatting its work and focused on supportnetwork performance and ensuring the uninterrupted Internet connection. Currently, we share with you what we have already managed to do and what we are actively working on now:
1. A complete inventory of the network was conducted. This process took some time, but now we are able to more accurately and quickly manage the equipment replacement processes: we can see the presence of batteries at the facilities, their condition, their operating hours, when scheduled equipment replacement is required;
2. Found connection points of additional power sources, in the form of generators or backup lines, at key hub sites;
3. At the moment, we have ensured continuity in more than 70 houses, in more than 180 entrances, modernized 210 switches and replaced about 260 batteries. Venice, Likograd, Fontaniv Boulevard, Time, Quartet, Svyatobor and about 25 more residential complexes are currently fully equipped with uninterrupted internet. In general, we have the technical ability to maintain Internet operation during power outages in more than 15,800 households;
4. Even at the beginning of the network modernization work, we analyzed the situation with the availability of batteries in Ukraine and saw that the available solutions are temporary and provide uninterrupted power for only 2-3 months, because their technology (AGM) is designed for only 250-300 discharge cycles. After conducting research and testing, we chose the optimal battery model with the latest LiFePo4 technology and placed a large order directly from the factory in Europe and China;
5. We continue the construction of direct optical lines (CWDM) from our core directly to residential complexes, excluding intermediate equipment from the chain, to increase energy independence;
6. Received support with equipment, batteries and a generator under the Keep Ukraine Connected program from the Global NOG Alliance with the assistance of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and APPK associations ;
7. Submitted applications for grants to support continuity: Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD), Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE), The Ukraine Protection and Development Fund, USAID, EU4Business: competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs .
Our plans for the coming month:
1. Update equipment in another 90 houses, supply 400 new batteries, modernize 300 switches;
2. To develop the launched programs to accelerate the replacement of equipment at the facilities:
- The "Add Ampere" program involves proactive residents who are ready to buy batteries themselves or provide their own batteries for battery replacement. More about the program . 
- The program "Connection to the generator" provides for the search for objects using generators by ZHEKom, businesses, etc. We negotiate and connect our equipment to them.
If you haven't yet received a notification about the programs' capabilities, expect to soon.
3. Upgrade equipment and replace batteries even faster. For this, we are additionally expanding the number of employees.
Our plans for the next quarter:
1. Start using the latest batteries (LiFePo4), which should arrive in the near future. They will be placed in pairs, so each switch will have 14ah of backup power. Compared to our current 12V and 7.2 to 12AH batteries, the new batteries will have a longer "life" (10-15 times more cycles) and better performance. Now this batch is already on its way to Ukraine directly from the factory. You can even track her movements here
2. Expand the list of objects for participation in the "Add Ampere" and "Connect the generator" programs;
3. To implement some surprises that we are not ready to announce, but we will definitely tell about them when we implement what we planned. We can only hint :☀️⚡️🔋🌎😀
We are very grateful to all our subscribers for their understanding and support!
Your participation in our programs, activity, initiative and timely payment of bills are very important to us. We appreciate your loyalty.
Our technicians are working at 130% capacity to complete the modernization and equipment replacement plan.
Let's go through this darkness with dignity, together!


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